Data Privacy Statement

This notice describes how the commercial organisation that processes your personal data ("we") carries out this processing as the sole controller. To make it easier for you to find your way around, key parts of this notice are organised according to the group of data subjects. To find out how we process your personal data, please read the section(s) below that apply to you

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Table of contents

1. Whose data do we process and how?
1.1 Members, their employees and officers
1.2 Officials, auditors, technical experts and employees of commercial organisations
1.3 Apprentices, trainers, authorised apprentices and all persons who wish to take or are taking examinations, technical interviews and certifications of the apprenticeship, master craftsman examination and engineering certification body
1.4 Founders, interested parties and journalists
1.5 Service providers and recipients, their employees and officers
1.6 Political decision-makers and stakeholders
2. Users of our website
2.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing
2.2 Legal bases of the processing
2.3 Transmission of your personal data
2.4 Storage period
2.5 Cookies (general)
2.6 Google Tag Manager
2.7 Necessary cookies
2.8 Functional cookies (supplement)
2.9 Target-orientated cookies
2.10 Marketing cookies
3. Newsletter
4. COVID-19 measures at events
5. Data processing through the use of webinar tools
6 Data processing in connection with an access control system
7. International data transfers
8. Your rights in connection with personal data
9. Our contact details

1. Whose data do we process and how?

1.1 Members, their employees and officers

In connection with our member support and administration as well as the representation of interests and information of our members, we process some personal data of you as a member (including former members) or as an employee or officer (in particular as a managing director, board member or supervisory board member) of one of our members.

How we process your personal data is described in this section 1.1. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.1.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 1 ("your data") for the following purposes

  • Keeping a list of members and statistics;
  • Representation of the interests of our members within the meaning of the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG");
  • Participation in statistical recordings and surveys;
  • Conducting surveys;
  • Advice, information and support for our members in legal and (foreign) economic matters;
  • Supporting authorities and members by providing information (in particular about periods of membership, issuing certificates of completed training, etc.);
  • Event management: organisation of information and training events (including invitations, keeping attendance lists and minutes as well as image and video recordings for media and internal reporting);
  • Provision of information through our newsletter and publications;
  • Advertising and public relations;
  • Realisation of competitions;
  • Inclusion in a business partner database;
  • Provision of services and products offered on our website, insofar as we operate a website;
  • Other activities in connection with member administration and the representation of interests within the meaning of the WKG and related ordinances;
  • Fulfilment of tasks in connection with the calculation and collection of levies and fees in accordance with the WKG;
  • Organisation of the Chamber of Commerce elections;
  • Fulfilment of other legal obligations, in particular under the WKG.

If your personal data is processed by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber or a regional chamber, your data will also be processed for the following purposes:

  • Providing reports, expert opinions and proposals on the concerns of our members to authorities and legislative bodies;
  • Promotion of the economy, in particular by offering training and further education as well as providing general, technical and business promotion by corresponding institutions, in particular by business promotion institutes (within the meaning of section 19 para. 1 no. 4 WKG);
  • Appointment of representatives to other bodies and organisations;
  • Appointment of members to legally established advisory boards, authorities and associations;
  • Subsidy and grant administration;
  • Co-operations with public corporations.

If your personal data is processed by a specialist organisation, your data will also be processed for the following purposes:

  • Promoting the economic, social and humanitarian affairs of members, strengthening community spirit and the image of the industry;
  • Ensuring equal opportunities for members in competition, in particular the prevention of unauthorised trade practices
  • Promoting collaboration and joint activities, in particular the establishment of commercial and economic co-operatives, as well as the development of market- and future-oriented industry concepts;
  • Negotiation and conclusion of collective agreements;
  • Appointment of representatives to other bodies and organisations;
  • Promoting the public and private education in the interests of its members, promoting the education and training of its members and their employees and promoting vocational training.

We collect this data as part of your membership or in connection with the provision of services to one of our members, either by you providing us with this data yourself (in particular by communicating via e-mail or other means of communication) or by us collecting it, for example during consultations, the organisation of events, etc. We also obtain trade data from public registers and sources.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary. However, various processes of member administration, representation of interests and information and event management as well as internal and external communication in these matters will be delayed or even impossible if you do not provide your personal data. If the provision of your data is required by law in some cases, we will inform you of this separately.

1.1.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your data on the following basis:

  • Necessity for the fulfilment of legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the WKG, in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR");
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR;
  • Our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, which consists in efficiently organising our member administration and our information and event management as well as internal and external communication in these matters;
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your personal data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.1.3 Transmission of your personal data

Insofar as this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Organisations of the commercial economy;
  • Chamber of Commerce members;
  • Courts and administrative authorities;
  • Public corporations in fulfilment of their duties (e.g. social insurance institutions, interest groups, municipalities);
  • Members of the legal and support professions (e.g. lawyers, notaries, chartered accountants);
  • Financial and credit institutions for the processing of payment transactions;
  • Economic chamber voter groups;
  • Associations and organisations for the protection of economic interests and order (e.g. protective association against unfair competition);
  • ICS Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark GmbH, which operates the foreign trade activities of the Styrian Economic Chamber as the joint controller pursuant to Art 26 GDPR;
  • Labour Market Service (AMS) for the administration of support measures;
  • All parties interested in member data, with your consent, unless the data has already been legitimately published or the transfer serves the purpose of business promotion;
  • Legally established advisory boards, authorities and associations to which members are delegated;
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • Media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • Contractual partners who are called upon to provide services;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH;
  • External IT service providers.

1.1.4 Storage period

In principle, we will retain your data for as long as statutory retention obligations exist or retention is necessary to fulfil our statutory duties, as well as for as long as guarantee, warranty or limitation periods have not yet expired.

1.2 Officials, auditors, technical experts and employees of commercial organisations

We will process some of your personal data in connection with your activities as a functionary, auditor, technical expert or employee of a commercial organisation in order to be able to perform our tasks of managing officials, representing the interests of our members and conducting audits and certifications. If you have an employment relationship with us, an additional privacy policy applies to you.

How we process your personal data is described in this section 1.2. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.2.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 2 ("your data") for the following purposes:

  • Functionary administration;
  • Presentation of functionaries and employees on the Internet and on the cross-chamber intranet;
  • Representation of interests, support and counselling of our members and other tasks within the meaning of the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG");
  • Settlement of expense and function allowances and reimbursement of expenses within the meaning of Section 50 (3) and (4) WKG;
  • Organisation of the Chamber of Commerce elections;
  • Appointment of representatives to other bodies and organisations;
  • Organising and conducting meetings, including preparing invitations, meeting minutes and attendance lists;
  • Communication with you;
  • Event management: organisation of information and training events (including invitations, keeping attendance lists and minutes as well as image and video recordings for media and internal reporting);
  • Dispatch of newsletters and publications;
  • To fulfil the tasks of the provincial chambers as apprenticeship offices, in particular in accordance with Section 19 of the Vocational Training Act and as master craftsman examination centres in accordance with Section 350 ff of the 1994 Trade Regulation Act, the Accounting Act and the Vocational Training Act;
  • For the implementation of certification procedures for the award of the engineering qualification in accordance with the 2017 Engineering Act;
  • For the processing of final apprenticeship examinations and partial qualifications;
  • For the processing of master craftsman, qualification, specialist, entrepreneur and trainer examinations and other personal certifications.

If your personal data is processed by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber or a regional chamber, your data will also be processed for the following purposes:

  • Approval of the estimates and financial statements of the specialist organisations and their management.

If your personal data is processed by a specialist organisation, your data will also be processed for the following purposes:

  • Negotiation and conclusion of collective agreements.

We collect your data as part of your work as a functionary, auditor, technical expert or employee of a commercial organisation, either by you providing us with this data yourself (in particular by communicating via email or other modern means of communication) or by us collecting it ourselves, for example during meetings or the organisation of events. In addition, we obtain trade data from public registers and sources.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary. However, various processes of functionary administration, representation of interests, examination and certification processing and information and event management, as well as internal and external communication in these matters will be delayed or even impossible if you do not provide your data. If the provision of your data is legally required in some cases, we will inform you of this separately. 

1.2.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your data on the following basis:

  • Necessity to fulfil legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the WKG, the Professional Training Act, the Trade Regulation Act, the Accounting Act and the Engineering Act, this in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and,
  • Our overriding legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, which consists in efficiently organising the administration of officials, our event management, our tasks as an apprenticeship, master craftsman examination and engineering certification body, and information services as well as internal and external communication in these matters;
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.2.3 Transmission of your personal data

Insofar as this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Organisations of the commercial economy;
  • Chamber of Commerce members;
  • Courts and administrative authorities;
  • Public corporations in fulfilment of their duties (e.g. social insurance institutions, interest groups, municipalities);
  • Members of the legal and support professions (e.g. lawyers, notaries, chartered accountants);
  • Financial and credit institutions for the processing of payment transactions;
  • Economic chamber voter groups;
  • Associations and organisations for the protection of economic interests and order (e.g. protective association against unfair competition);
  • All parties interested in functionary data (including members); this with your consent as a functionary, unless the data has already been legitimately published or the transmission serves the purpose of business promotion;
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • Media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • Contractual partners who are called upon to provide services;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH;
  • External IT service providers and
  • Respective higher authorities.

1.2.4 Storage period

In principle, we will retain your data for as long as statutory retention obligations exist or retention is necessary to fulfil our statutory duties, as well as for as long as guarantee, warranty or limitation periods have not yet expired.

1.3 Apprentices, trainers, authorised apprentices and all persons who wish to take or are taking examinations, technical interviews and certifications of the apprenticeship, master craftsman examination and engineering certification body

If you are in apprenticeship training ("apprentice") or wish to take an examination, a technical interview or certification at the apprenticeship, master craftsman examination or engineering certification centre of the Chamber of Commerce, we will process some of your personal data as described here. Apprenticeship, master craftsman examination and engineering certification centres are set up at the regional chambers of commerce.

In this section 1.3 we inform you about how we process your data. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.3.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 3 ("your data") for the following purposes:

  • to carry out the tasks of the provincial chambers as apprenticeship centres, in particular in accordance with section 19 of the Vocational Training Act and as master craftsman examination centres in accordance with section 350 et seq. of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act 1994, the Accounting Act and the Vocational Training Act;
  • to check the suitability of training companies in terms of their equipment and personnel;
  • for checking and recording apprenticeship contracts;
  • for counselling apprentices and training companies;
  • for the processing of final apprenticeship examinations and partial qualifications;
  • for processing subsidies for training companies and apprentices;
  • for the processing of master craftsman and qualifying. Specialist. entrepreneur and trainer examinations and other personal certifications;
  • for the implementation of certification procedures for the award of the engineering qualification in accordance with the 2017 Engineering Act;
  • for the organisation of preparatory courses for examinations and certifications;
  • for the creation of statistics;
  • event management: organisation and handling of apprentice competitions;
  • for evaluation by scientific institutions;
  • for the promotion of education and training and the promotion of vocational training in accordance with section 19 Para.1 Z4 and section 43 Para.3 Z4 of the Chamber of Commerce Act.

Your data is either provided to us directly by you (in particular through communication via e-mail or other means of communication) or we collect this data ourselves, for example during counselling sessions or the handling of examinations or certification procedures or preparatory courses.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary or based on a legal obligation. However, if you do not provide your data, you will not be able to use our services as an apprenticeship, master craftsman examination or engineering certification centre, or only to a limited extent. If the provision of your data is legally required in some cases, we will inform you of this separately.

1.3.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your data on the following basis:

  • Necessity to fulfil legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the Professional Training Act, the Trade Regulation Act, the Accounting Act and the Engineering Act, this in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR");
  • Our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, which consists in being able to efficiently perform our tasks as an apprenticeship, master craftsman examination and engineering certification centre; and
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.3.3 Transmission of your personal data

Insofar as this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Organisations of the commercial economy;
  • Chamber of Commerce members;
  • Administrative authorities (e.g. tax office, labour market service, etc.);
  • Public corporations in fulfilment of their duties (e.g. social insurance institutions, interest groups, etc.);
  • Lawyers and chartered accountants;
  • Financial and credit institutions for the processing of payment transactions;
  • Associations and organisations for the protection of economic interests and order (e.g. protective association against unfair competition);
  • Master data register authority within the scope of its powers under the E-Government Act;
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • Media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • Sponsors;
  • Courts;
  • Cooperation partners (e.g. counselling service providers);
  • Statistics AUSTRIA:
  • Vocational schools, school quality managers and education directorates;
  • Scientific institutions;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH;
  • External (IT) service providers and
  • Respective higher authorities.

1.3.4 Storage period

YYour data will only be stored by us for as long as is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, in particular under the Professional Training Act, the Industrial Code, the Accounting Act and the Engineering Act, or until the end of relevant guarantee, warranty, limitation or other statutory retention periods or any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence.

1.4 Founders, interested parties and journalists

If you are in the process of founding a company ("founder") or, apart from founding or managing a company, are interested in our organisation or our range of information and services or participate in events or courses offered by us ("interested party"), we will process some of your personal data as described here. If you are a journalist, we will also process some of your personal data.

In this section 1.4 we inform you about how we process your data. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.4.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 4 ("your data") for the following purposes:

  • Information and advice on all matters relating to the establishment of companies;
  • Information on trade policy issues and our activities;
  • Event management: organisation of information and training events (including invitations, keeping attendance lists and minutes as well as image and video recordings for media and internal reporting);
  • Provision of information through our newsletter and publications;
  • Subsidy and grant administration;
  • Other activities in connection with the administration of founders and interested parties as well as our event management;
  • Organising and holding press conferences and managing press contacts;
  • Public relations and
  • if you visit our premises, for the purpose of property protection and for the containment and clarification of criminally relevant behaviour.

Your data is either provided to us directly by you (in particular through communication via e-mail or other means of communication) or we collect this data ourselves, for example in the course of consultations or the organisation of events.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary. However, various processes of founder administration, representation of interests, information and event management as well as internal and external communication in these matters will be delayed or even impossible if you do not provide your data. If the provision of your data is legally required in some cases, we will inform you of this separately.

1.4.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your data on the following basis:

  • Necessity for the fulfilment of legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG"), this in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR");
  • Our overriding legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, which consists in the efficient organisation of our founder administration and the organisation of events and internal and external communication, including public relations;
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.4.3 Transmission of your personal data

Insofar as this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Organisations of the commercial economy;
  • Chamber of Commerce members and founders;
  • Other interested parties (including research, business and co-operation associations);
  • Courts and administrative authorities;
  • Public corporations in the fulfilment of their duties;
  • Members of the legal and support professions (e.g. lawyers, notaries, chartered accountants);
  • Financial and credit institutions;
  • Contractual partners who are called upon to provide services;
  • All parties interested in founder data, with your consent as founder, unless the data has already been legitimately published or the transmission serves the purpose of business promotion;
  • Labour Market Service (AMS) for the administration of support measures;
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • Media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • Cooperation partner for events and educational programmes;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH and
  • external IT service providers.

1.4.4 Storage period

Your data will only be stored by us until the end of the information or support relationship or beyond that for as long as this is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, in particular under the WKG, or until the end of any relevant guarantee, warranty, limitation or other statutory retention periods or any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence.

1.5 Service providers and recipients, their employees and officers

As part of our activities, we cooperate with companies and individuals who provide us with a wide range of services (this includes services as well as deliveries of goods or sponsorship; "service providers"). On the other hand, we also act as a service provider ourselves within the scope of our activities and therefore provide services to natural or legal persons ("service recipients"). This notice applies to you as a service recipient or service provider and as their employee or authorised representative.

In this section 1.5 we inform you about how we process your personal data. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.5.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 5 ("your data") for the following purposes:

  • Performing our duties in accordance with the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG"), in particular representing the interests of and advising our members;
  • Event management: organisation of information and training events (including invitations, keeping attendance lists and minutes as well as image and video recordings for media and internal reporting);
  • Provision of information through our newsletter and publications;
  • Other activities in connection with the administration of members, founders and interested parties as well as our event management and public relations work;
  • Provision of working materials and infrastructure to ensure efficient internal workflows.

Your data is either provided to us directly by you (in particular through communication via e-mail or other means of communication) or we collect your data ourselves, for example in the course of organising events or services that we provide to you.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary. However, the processing of services may be delayed or in some cases impossible if you do not provide your data. If the provision of your data is required by law in some cases, we will inform you of this separately.

1.5.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your personal data on the following basis:

  • Necessity for the fulfilment of legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG"), this in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR");
  • Our predominantly legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, which consists in the efficient organisation of our administrative, advisory and support activities;
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.5.3 Transmission of your personal data

If this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

  • Financial and credit institutions;
  • Contractual partners who are called upon to provide services;
  • Banks for the processing of payment transactions;
  • Legal representative in the business case;
  • Public accountant for auditing purposes;
  • Courts and authorities;
  • Debt collection agencies for debt collection (abroad only if the debt has to be collected abroad);
  • Assignees, factoring companies, insurance companies, credit agencies, creditor protection organisations in their function as creditor representatives;
  • Contractual partners who participate or are to participate in the delivery or service;
  • Insurance on the occasion of the conclusion of an insurance contract for the benefit or the occurrence of an insured event (e.g. liability insurance);
  • Federal Institute "Statistics Austria" for the compilation of legally required (official) statistics;
  • to media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH and
  • External IT service providers.

1.5.4 Storage period

Your data will be stored by us until the end of the business relationship or beyond, as long as this is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, in particular under the WKG, or until the end of relevant guarantee, warranty, limitation or other statutory retention periods or any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence.

1.6 Political decision-makers and stakeholders

We process personal data about you as a political decision-maker, as an employee of a ministry, a provincial government or other authority or as a representative of the interests of employees (e.g. Chamber of Labour officials or trade unionists), consumers or companies as part of the fulfilment of our duties under the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG"), in particular with regard to the representation of interests and in connection with events organised by us.

In this section 1.6 we inform you about how we process your personal data. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 7 and 8 below.

1.6.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

We will process your data specified in Annex 6 ("your data") for the following purposes:

  • Performing our tasks within the meaning of the WKG, in particular representing the interests of our members and, insofar as your personal data is processed by a professional organisation, negotiating and concluding collective agreements;
  • Event management: organisation of information and training events (including invitations, keeping attendance lists and minutes as well as image and video recordings for media and internal reporting);
  • Sending our newsletter as well as information and publications.

Your data is either provided to us directly by you (in particular through communication via e-mail or other means of communication) or we collect your data ourselves, for example in the course of activities in connection with the organisation of events.

In cases where we ask you to provide your data, this is generally voluntary. However, various processes, such as the sending of our newsletter, could be delayed or even rendered impossible if you do not provide us with this data. If the provision of your data is legally required in some cases, we will inform you of this separately.

1.6.2 Legal bases of the processing

We process your data on the following basis:

  • Necessity for the fulfilment of legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the WKG, in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c GDPR;
  • Our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, which is to organise our information activities efficiently;
  • In individual cases: Your consent to the processing of your data (Art 6 para 1 lit a or Art 9 para 2 lit a GDPR).

1.6.3 Transmission of your personal data

If this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your data to the following recipients:

  • Organisations of the commercial economy;
  • Other interested parties (including research, business and co-operation associations);
  • Participants in events for which you have registered, provided you have given your consent;
  • Media companies, social networks and video platforms in the context of reporting on events;
  • WKO Inhouse GmbH and
  • External IT service providers.

1.6.4 Storage period

Your data will be stored by us in any case for the duration of your professional activity, or beyond that for as long as this is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, in particular under the WKG, or until the end of any relevant statutory retention periods or any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence.

2. Users of our website

This section applies insofar as we operate a website.

When you visit a website operated by us, we will process some of your personal data in connection with this visit.

In this section 1.7 we inform you about how we process your personal data. You can also find out more about international data transfers and your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in sections 2 and 3 below.

2.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

In the course of your visit to this website, we will automatically collect the following personal data about you:

  • The date and time a page on our website is accessed;
  • Your IP address (in abbreviated form, so that no clear assignment is possible);
  • Technical information such as the name and version of your web browser, internet provider, end device and screen resolution
  • Source of origin (URL) of your visit (i.e. via which website or advertising medium you came to us)
  • Orders including turnover and products ordered
  • The achievement of "website goals" (e.g. contact enquiries and newsletter registrations)
  • Your behaviour on the pages (e.g. clicks, scrolling behaviour and dwell time)
  • Your approximate location (country and city)
  • Certain cookies (see below)

In addition, we may ask you to enter personal data on our website, such as your name and e-mail address, in order to provide you with certain services.

There is no obligation to actually provide the data that we ask you to provide on our website. However, if you do not do so, you will not be able to use all the functions of the website.

We process your data for the following purposes:

  • to make this website available to you and to further improve and develop this website;
  • to be able to create usage statistics;
  • to display personalised page suggestions;
  • to recognise, prevent and investigate attacks on our website and
  • to provide members with a user account on our website, if applicable.

We process your personal data on the basis of:

  • the need to fulfil legal obligations to which we are subject, in particular under the Economic Chamber Act 1998 ("WKG"), in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and
  • our overriding legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, which consists of making our website user-friendly and protecting our website from attacks.

2.3 Transmission of your personal data

If this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

  • WKO Inhouse GmbH;
  • External IT service providers, including Google Analytics (see sections below).

2.4 Storage period

We will generally store your data for a period of three months. Data will only be stored for longer if this is necessary in order to investigate identified attacks on our website and only until the end of relevant limitation periods, statutory retention periods or any legal disputes in which the data is required as evidence. In addition, we store the data that we collect to provide your user account or the WKO user administration for as long as your account exists.

2.5 Cookies (general)

Cookies are used on our website. A cookie is a small file that can be stored on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are generally used to provide users with additional functions on a website. For example, they can be used to make it easier for you to navigate a website, to enable you to continue using a website where you left it and/or to save your preferences and settings when you visit the website again. Cookies cannot access, read or modify any other data on your computer.

Many cookies on our website are so-called session cookies. They are automatically deleted when you leave our website. Persistent cookies, however, remain on your computer until you delete them manually in your browser. We use such persistent cookies to recognise you the next time you visit our website.

If you want to control cookies on your computer, you can select your browser settings so that you receive a notification when a website wants to save cookies. You can also block or delete cookies if they have already been stored on your computer. If you would like to know more about how to take these steps, please use the "Help" function in your browser. For the most user-friendly handling possible, we sometimes also use a so-called "cookie management tool", with which you can manage the setting of cookies even more easily. Please note that blocking or deleting cookies may affect your online experience and prevent you from making full use of this website.

We use social media plug-ins to enable users to recommend and share content from social networks, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, widgets from Flickr. We use a two-stage process for this. Data is only transferred to third parties when users click on one of the icons displayed in the social media bar. We have neither influence nor access to cookies that are set by Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc.

We also use cookies to display personalised page suggestions. No IP numbers are stored in the process. The following data is collected when you visit the website: Internal ID of the page accessed, attributes of the page accessed, categories of the page accessed. This data is not transmitted to anyone.

Our website may use plugins from the Google-operated YouTube site. The operator of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit one of our pages equipped with a YouTube plugin, a connection to the YouTube servers is established as soon as you start playing a video. This tells the YouTube server which of our pages you have visited.

If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. Further information on the handling of user data can be found in YouTube's privacy policy.

To protect input forms on our website, we may use the "reCAPTCHA" service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as "Google". By using this service, it is possible to differentiate whether the corresponding input is of human origin or is misused by automated machine processing.

To our knowledge, the referrer URL, the IP address, the behaviour of website visitors, information about the operating system, browser and length of stay, cookies, display instructions and scripts, the user's input behaviour and mouse movements in the "reCAPTCHA" checkbox area are transmitted to "Google".

Among other things, Google uses the information obtained in this way to digitise books and other printed materials and to optimise services such as Google Street View and Google Maps (e.g. house number and street name recognition).

The IP address transmitted as part of "reCAPTCHA" will not be merged with other Google data unless you are logged into your Google account at the time you use the "reCAPTCHA" plug-in. If you wish to prevent this transmission and storage of data about you and your behaviour on our website by "Google", you must log out of "Google" before you visit our site or use the reCAPTCHA plug-in.

The use of the "reCAPTCHA" service is in accordance with the Google Terms of Use.

This website uses the Google Maps product from Google LLC. By using this website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of the automatically collected data by Google LLC, its representatives and third parties.

The terms of use of Google Maps can be found under Terms of Use of Google Maps.

2.6 Google Tag Manager

We use the Google Tag Manager on our website. Google Tag Manager is an application that enables us to display small code elements (tags) on our pages based on user-defined rules. Such tags can be used, for example, to measure visitor behaviour (Google Analytics).

The Tag Manager itself does not write any cookies and does not collect any personal data but can play tags that collect such data.

The basis for the cookie consent tool offered on our pages is the use of Google Tag Manager, which interprets the settings made by the visitor and then displays tags on the page or not.

2.7 Necessary cookies

Depending on the service used on one of our websites, the following cookies may be used. These technically necessary cookies ensure basic website functions. A * indicates a possible prefix or suffix.

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
PHPSESSID 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
ASP.NET_SessionId 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
wcf_cookieHash 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
ASPSESSIONID 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
JSESSIONID 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
vera_session_id 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
laravel_session 1st Party Session cookie
Automatically created cookie from the web server.
YII_CSRF_TOKEN 1st Party Session handling
Increases the security of communication between server and client.
__CSRFCOOKIE 1st Party Session handling
Increases the security of communication between server and client.
__RequestVerificationToken 1st Party Session handling
Increases the security of communication between server and client.
XSRF token 1st Party Session handling
Increases the security of communication between server and client.
cookiesAllowed 1st Party Saves the set cookie settings. 1 year
gcmdata_* 1st Party Saves the set cookie settings. 1 year 1st Party Saves the set cookie settings. 24 hours
*_cookie_hint 1st Party Saves the set cookie settings. 24 hours
LB_SESSION_ID 1st Party Automatically created cookie from the web server. Session

2.8 Functional cookies (supplement)

Depending on the service used on one of our websites, the following additional functional cookies may be used. You can deactivate functional cookies via your browser, in which case the following functions will not work as expected. A * indicates a possible prefix or suffix.

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
MSISAuth* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session/180 days
MSISAuthenticated 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
MSISContext* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
MSISIPSelectionSession 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
MSISTtpDataReceivedCookie 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
MSISIPSelectionPersistent 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
LogoutReturnUrl 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
Msisloopdetectioncookie 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
Msissignout 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
idpSelection 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 3 minutes
AspNetCore.Correlation.WsFederation.* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
webservices.framework.passport.logincookie 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
Wkis 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
WkisC* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
SelectedRoleIDCookie 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
wkis-cuc* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 7 days
GenticsSAMLSessionID 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
GenticsSAMLAuthToken 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
FedAuth* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
Rtc 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
SamlLogout 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
MOA_ID_SSO 3rd Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
SamlSession* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
WindowsAutoLogin 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 1 year
WindowsLoginAdfsCookie 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 1 year
__wkis_currenturl 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 20 minutes
__WKIS_ChangeRolePending 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. 20 minutes
requestor* 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
Hrdchoice 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages. Session
WSFedLogout 1st Party Login handling Enables access to protected pages.
Wklaka 1st Party Saves the selected federal state 1 year
Wknewslaka 1st Party Saves the selected federal state 1 year
markaCookie 1st Party Attributes and categories of pages accessed are saved in order to display personalised page suggestions. 1 year
Language 1st Party Saves the selected language around pages. Serves as a fallback if a requested page is not available in the language.
Session/1 hour
remember_industry 1st Party Used to save the search setting of industries
30 days
saved_county 1st Party Used to save the selected country
30 days

2.8.1 WKO guidebook

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
OpenTo 1st Party Basic setting of the guide as to whether the history of answered questions in this RG should be displayed expanded or closed by default "O" or "Z" Session
OpenClicked 1st Party Setting of the user who overruled "OffenZu", also "O" or "Z" Session
itsafe_url 1st Party Position in the itsafe guide in the form of a URL with URL parameters 1 year
Itsafe_title 1st Party "Continue the itsafe online guide" 1 year

2.9 Target-orientated cookies

2.9.1 Google Analytics

Our website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics, which is offered by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to help us analyse how you use this website.

The information generated by such a cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address and the URLs of the web pages accessed and the attributes of the website) is transmitted to Google servers in the USA and stored there.

The data obtained is used to optimise our website and advertising measures.

Our website uses the IP anonymisation option offered by Google Analytics. Your IP address will therefore be shortened/anonymised by Google as soon as Google receives your IP address. Google will use this information on our behalf to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data by Google.

You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics on this website via our "cookie management tool" (link "cookie settings" at the bottom of the page) (an opt-out cookie is set which prevents the future collection of your data when you visit this website).

More information on Google's terms of use and Google's privacy policy

2.9.2 Google Signals

We also use the Signals function in Google Analytics.
 Google Signals enables an extended analysis of the user behaviour of visitors who have visited our pages with their logged-in Google account and have consented to personalised advertising in their Google account.

These are, for example, analyses of cross-device use of our pages (combining several end devices), the possibility of carrying out cross-device remarketing for logged-in Google users and the storage of socio-demographic data (such as age group, geographical data, etc.) in the Google Analytics database. Cookies used by Google Analytics

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
_ga 1st Party Contains a randomly generated user ID that Google Analytics can use to recognise returning visitors to our websites and merge them with data from previous visits. 2 years
_gid 1st Party Contains a randomly generated user ID that Google Analytics can use to recognise returning visitors to our websites and merge them with data from previous visits. 24 hours
_gat 1st Party Certain data is only sent to Google Analytics a maximum of once per minute. The cookie has a lifespan of one minute. As long as it is set, certain data transmissions are prevented. 1 minute
_dc_gtm_xxx 1st Party Certain data is only sent to Google Analytics a maximum of once per minute. The cookie has a lifespan of one minute. As long as it is set, certain data transmissions are prevented. 1 minute
3rd Party
Contains a randomly generated user ID. Google can use this ID to recognise the user across different websites and display personalised advertising. 1 year Google Optimize

Google Optimise is another tool from the Google marketing platform that we use on our websites. Google Optimize enables us to increase the interaction rate of our visitors by playing out different test variants of our websites, among other things by optimising usability. Such tests are either A/B tests or multivariate tests. If Google Optimize is used on the website, cookies are used to enable the optimisation and analysis of visitor behaviour on our website. Cookies used by Google Optimize

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
_gaexp 1st Party Cookie set as a test to check whether cookies are permitted. Contains no identification features. 90 days
_opt_utmc 1st Party Contains information about which marketing campaign a user last came to the website via. 24 hours
_opt_awcid 1st Party Contains a randomly generated user ID that Google can use to recognise the visitor across different websites and display personalised advertising. 24 hours
_opt_awmid 1st Party Is set when a visitor reaches our website by clicking on a Google advert. Contains information about whose customer account the clicked advert was placed from. 24 hours
_opt_awgid 1st Party Is set when a visitor reaches our website by clicking on a Google advert. Contains information about which advertising campaign the clicked advert belongs to. 24 hours
_opt_awkid 1st Party Is set when a visitor reaches our website by clicking on a Google advert. Contains information about the selection criteria on the basis of which the advert was placed (e.g. keyword) 24 hours

2.10 Marketing cookies

2.10.1 Google Marketing Campaign Manager (formerly DoubleClick Campaign Manager)

Our websites use the Campaign Manager tool of the Google Marketing Platform. Campaign Manager uses cookies to display adverts that are relevant to the visitor, to improve campaign performance reports or to prevent a visitor from seeing the same advert more than once. Google uses a cookie ID to record which adverts are displayed in which browser and thus prevents them from being displayed more than once.

Campaign Manager can also use cookie IDs to record conversions related to ad requests. This is the case, for example, when a visitor sees a Campaign Manager advert and later visits the advertiser's website with the same browser and makes a purchase there. According to Google, Campaign Manager cookies do not contain any personal data.

Due to the marketing tools used, the browser of the visitor to our website establishes a connection with the Google server.

We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by Google through the use of the tool and therefore inform you according to our state of knowledge: By integrating the Campaign Manager, Google receives the information that you have called up a certain area of our website or clicked on an advert from us. If you are registered with a Google service, Google can assign the visit to your Google account.

Even if you are not registered with Google or have not logged in, there is a possibility that the provider will find out your IP address and save it.

In addition, we can use Campaign Manager cookies (DoubleClick Floodlight) to track whether a visitor has taken certain actions on our websites after viewing or clicking on one of our display/video adverts on Google or another platform with Campaign Manager (conversion). Campaign Manager uses this cookie to understand the content you have interacted with on our websites in order to later provide you with targeted advertising.

>> Further information on the Campaign Manager tool and data protection at Google in general Cookies used by Campaign Manager

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
3rd Party
Is set as a test to check whether the browser allows cookies to be set. Contains no identification features. 15 minutes
3rd Party
Contains a randomly generated user ID. Google can use this ID to recognise the user across different websites and display personalised advertising. 1 year Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) Google Ads Conversion Tracking

We use Google AdWords Conversion Tracking to measure the success of our advertising measures. After certain target achievements on our website ("conversions") - such as the completion of an order or registration for our newsletter - this target achievement is recorded by Google. Google can thus measure the number of target achievements. In addition, Google will use previously set cookies to allocate which adverts were previously clicked on and were therefore decisive for the target achievement. Google processes this data on servers in the USA, but will not associate it with personal data from your Google account. Cookies used by Google Ads

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
3rd Party
Is set as a test to check whether the browser allows cookies to be set. Contains no identification features. 15 minutes
3rd Party
Contains a randomly generated user ID. Google can use this ID to recognise the user across different websites and display personalised advertising. 1 year Google Remarketing

We may use Google's remarketing or "similar target groups" function. This allows us to show you personalised advertising on suitable advertising spaces on other websites based on the interests you have shown on our website. This option is limited to a maximum of 18 months.

For this purpose, Google stores a small file with a sequence of numbers in the browsers of the website users. This number is used to record visits to the website and anonymised data on the use of the website. No personal data of the website user is stored. If you subsequently visit another website in the Google Display Network, you will be shown adverts that are highly likely to take into account previously accessed product and information areas. According to its own statements, Google does not merge the data collected as part of remarketing with your personal data. In particular, according to Google, pseudonymisation is used in remarketing

This function is only activated after you have consented to the use of cookies when you visit our website. You can control the setting at any time via our "Cookie Management Tool" (link "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of the page).
Alternatively, you can deactivate the use of cookies by third-party providers by visiting the deactivation page of the Network Advertising Initiative at and implementing the further information on opting out mentioned there. Further information on Google Remarketing and Google's privacy policy can be found at:

2.10.2 Hotjar

Hotjar is an analysis and feedback platform that is used to find out more about the usability of a website and the user experience of website visitors. Hotjar provides a comprehensive picture of how visitors use a website. However, the Hotjar platform is not used as an alternative to other tools, but rather as a supplement and extension to existing web analytics data.

Hotjar offers two main tools: analysis and feedback. These include the tools Heatmaps, Conversion Funnels, Form Analytics and Visitor Recording. With the help of these tools, you can better understand why visitors behave in a certain way (clicked locations, scroll depth). Cookies used by Hotjar

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
_hjClosedSurveyInvites 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set as soon as a visitor interacts with a survey invitation pop-up. It is used to ensure that the same invitation is not displayed again if it has already been displayed. 1 year
_hjDonePolls 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set as soon as a visitor has completed a survey via the "Feedback survey" widget. It is used to ensure that the same survey is not displayed again if it has already been completed. 1 year
_hjMinimisedPolls 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set as soon as a visitor minimises a widget for a feedback survey. It is used to ensure that the widget remains minimised when the visitor navigates through your website. 1 year
_hjDoneTestersWidgets 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set as soon as a visitor submits their information in the "Recruit user tester" widget. It is used to ensure that the same form is not displayed again if it has already been completed. 1 year
_hjIncludedInSample 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is used to inform Hotjar whether this visitor is included in the example used to generate funnels. 1 year
_hjShownFeedbackMessage 1st Party This cookie is set when a visitor minimises or completes incoming feedback. This is done so that the incoming feedback is immediately loaded as minimised when they navigate to another page where it should be displayed. 1 year
_hjid 1st Party Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer accesses a page with the Hotjar script for the first time. It is used to retain the Hotjar user IDretain the that is unique to that site in the browser. This ensures that the behaviour on subsequent visits to the same website is assigned to the same user ID. 1 year
_hjRecordingLastActivity 1st Party This should be found in sessionStorage (as opposed to cookies). This is updated when a visitor recording starts and when data is sent via WebSocket (the visitor performs an action recorded by Hotjar). Session
hjTLDTest 1st Party When the Hotjar script is run, we try to determine the most generic cookie path that we should use instead of the hostname of the page. This is done so that cookies (if applicable) can be shared between multiple subdomains. To determine this, we try to save the cookie for different URL substring alternatives, _hjTLDTestuntil it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. Session
_hjUserAttributesHash 1st Party User attributes sent via the Hotjar Identify API are cached for the duration of the session to determine when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated. Session
_hjCachedUserAttributes 1st Party This cookie stores user attributes that are sent via the Hotjar identification API when the user is not in the example. These attributes are only saved if the user interacts with a Hotjar feedback tool. Session


2.10.3 Facebook Facebook page

When you visit our Facebook page, personal data (documentation of user behaviour) is processed by Facebook using cookies. This information is used to create anonymised, statistical data about page activity and is automatically provided to us (Insights). We are jointly responsible with Facebook for this data processing in accordance with Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation. We base this on our legitimate interests. Without the processing of this data, we would not be able to maintain and optimise our presence on Facebook. You can find more information on the Facebook information page. Plug-ins

Facebook plug-ins used by us store personal data of visitors to our website in accordance with Facebook's data usage guidelines. This also applies to users who are not logged in or are not members of Facebook. Further information on this can be found in Facebook's privacy policy. Facebook Pixel

We also use Facebook pixels on some of our websites. This allows the behaviour of users to be tracked after they have clicked on an ad on Facebook. We use this to evaluate adverts for statistical and market research purposes and to optimise future advertising measures.

Another benefit is to recognise whether and which interactions have been carried out on the website (e.g. download) (see Event Tracking).

This function is also used to present interest-based adverts ("Facebook ads") to visitors to this website when they visit the social network Facebook (see Custom Audiences). Facebook pixels have been implemented on our website for this purpose. Facebook pixels are used to establish a direct connection to the Facebook servers when you visit the website. It is transmitted to the Facebook server that you have visited this website and Facebook assigns this information to your personal Facebook user account.

No personal data is made available to us in the process. At the same time, the data is also stored and processed by Facebook itself so that Facebook can connect it to the respective Facebook user profile. Facebook may use this data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with the Facebook Data Usage Policy. Consent to this is the responsibility of Facebook and cannot be influenced by us. For more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook and your rights and options for protecting your privacy in this regard, please refer to Facebook's privacy policy. Event tracking

In addition to the integration of the Facebook pixel, our websites also use the associated event tracking.

An event is a specific action that a visitor takes on our website, such as a newsletter subscription. This helps us to better measure the target achievement of our online campaigns and to assess how successful an online campaign was in the end: (in German) Custom audiences

Our websites use Facebook's remarketing function "Custom Audiences", which uses the Facebook pixel built into our websites to recognise logged-in visitors and the information on which of our pages they have visited. These visitors can then be shown targeted adverts. Cookies used by Facebook Pixel

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
_fbp 1st Party Used to display a range of promotional products. 6 months
3rd Party
Contains the time stamp when the user logged in to Facebook. Session
3rd Party
No further information about the use known. 1 week
3rd Party
Saves the dimensions of the browser window and is used to optimise the rendering of the page. 1 week
3rd Party
No further information about the use known. 1 day
3rd Party
Contains various information about the user's session 3 months
3rd Party
Contains the user ID of the user currently logged in. 3 months
3rd Party
Contains chat status of the user (e.g. whether chat tabs are open) Session
3rd Party
Contains information about the browser. 2 years
3rd Party
Contains information on the display area scheme 1 week
3rd Party
Used, among other things, to identify the web browser 2 years
3rd Party
Used to display a range of promotional products. 3 months

2.10.4 LinkedIn pixel

We also use the LinkedIn Insight Tag on some of our websites. The LinkedIn Insight Tag uses browser cookies to collect data on our websites, including page activity, URL, referrer URL, IP address, device and browser characteristics and timestamps, provided the user is an active LinkedIn member. The IP addresses are truncated or hashed. This allows the behaviour of users to be tracked after they have clicked on an ad on LinkedIn. We use this to evaluate advertisements for statistical and market research purposes and to optimise future advertising measures. See also the LinkedIn cookie policy. Cookies used by LinkedIn pixels

Cookie Validity Purpose Storage duration
UserMatchHistory 3rd Party Measurement of advertising performance for LinkedIn advertising. 30 days
li_sugr 3rd Party Contains browser ID 3 months
li-oatml 3rd Party LinkedIn member recognition for conversion tracking, retargeting, analytics 1 month
li_fat_id 1st Party LinkedIn member recognition for conversion tracking, retargeting, analytics 1 month
U 3rd Party Browser detection 3 months
bcookie 3rd Party Identification of the browser ID 1 year
bscookie 3rd Party Identification of a secure browser ID 1 year

2.10.5 Chamber of Commerce attributes

If consent is given via our "cookie management tool" (link "cookie settings" at the bottom of the page), visitor profiles are enriched with attributes from the systems of the chambers of commerce. No data is stored that allows conclusions to be drawn about individual persons. The attributes used are not used by Google for other purposes.

The enriched data includes Chamber of Commerce and industry affiliation, functionary activity, interests and information on regional affiliation. This data is collected and merged exclusively for the purpose of delivering targeted and interest-related page content and advertising.

3. Newsletter

Our newsletter records the opening and clicking behaviour. Specifically, the following information is tracked: time of delivery, time of opening, duration of opening, IP address of opening, email program used (mail client), which link was clicked and the time of the click.

This data is stored and processed solely for the purpose of sending the recipients customised and relevant content. This data is processed exclusively within the European Union and is not passed on to third parties or merged with other data. The data is stored until the newsletter is cancelled.

You have the option to object to receiving the newsletter at any time. To do this, please send an email to the sender of the newsletter.

4. COVID-19 measures at events

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, contact person management may be implemented for events arranged by commercial organisations. All persons wishing to attend an event must enter their contact details (such as e-mail or telephone number) in the attendance form. In case of suspicion or if a positive case is detected in one of the participants, the data collected here will be transmitted to the responsible health authorities for the purpose of contact tracing. If necessary, we also reserve the right to inform you directly via the telephone number or email address you have provided of a positive case at an event you have attended. For this data processing, we refer to the fulfilment of a task that is prescribed by law or is in the public interest in accordance with Art 6 para 1 lit c and e in conjunction with Art 9 GDPR.

5. Data processing through the use of webinar tools

This section applies if we hold a webinar using a webinar tool. In this context, some of your personal data will be processed.

You can also find out about your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in section 3 below.

5.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

  • Data categories:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • E-mail address
    • Time of registration for the webinar
    • Company/Organisation
    • Metadata during the webinar,
    • Var. text input
    • Voice and video recordings
  • Purposes: Realisation of online seminars ("webinars")
  • Contract fulfilment (Art 6 para 1 lit b)
  • legitimate interests (Art 6 para 1 lit f) for analyses

5.3 Transmission of your personal data

If this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

  • Provider of webinar tools
  • External IT service providers

5.4 Storage period

Your data will be stored by us as long as this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes.

6 Data processing in connection with an access control system

This section applies if an access control system is used. Your personal data is processed in this context.

You can also find out about your rights in connection with the processing of your personal data in section 3 below.

6.1 Visitors in the event area

6.1.1 Categories of processed data and purposes of data processing

Data categories:

  • QR code generated based on your registration for the event
  • Real-time recording when scanning the QR code

Purpose: Access control

6.1.2 Legal basis for processing

Legitimate interests (Art 6 para 1 lit f) for the safety and protection of employees, officials and other persons who are legitimately present in the building and for the protection of property.

6.1.3 Transmission of your personal data

If this is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, we will transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

WKO Inhouse GmbH (as processor)

6.1.4 Storage period

The data is only used for access control and is not stored.

7. International data transfers

Some of the recipients mentioned above may be located outside Austria or the EU or process your personal data there. The level of data protection in other countries may not be the same as in Austria. However, we only transfer your personal data to countries for which the EU Commission has decided that they have an adequate level of data protection or we take measures to ensure that all recipients have an adequate level of data protection. For example, we conclude standard contractual clauses (2010/87/EC and/or 2004/915/EC). The agreements concluded, if any, are available on request (see point 4 below).

8. Your rights in connection with personal data

Under applicable law, you have the right (subject to applicable law) to (i) verify whether and what personal data we hold about you and obtain copies of such data, (ii) request the rectification, completion or erasure of your personal data that is inaccurate or not processed in accordance with the law, (iii) request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, (iv) under certain circumstances, to object to the processing of your personal data or to withdraw any consent previously given for the processing, whereby such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until the withdrawal (v) to request data portability, (vi) to know the identity of third parties to whom your personal data is transferred and (vii) to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

9. Our contact details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us using the contact details provided in Annex 7.

Annex 1: Processed personal data of members, their employees and administrators

Members (including former members)

  • Membership number
  • Membership data (e.g. start of membership, allocation to specialist groups)
  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Company name and name of the associated company
  • Job title
  • Citizenship
  • Addresses
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Trade register data and other authorisation data
  • Company data, in particular data disclosed in accordance with Section 70 (3) and Section 71 WKG
  • Company register data
  • Awards and honours
  • Published insolvency data
  • Data regarding levies, registration fees and special services including calculation basis
  • Date of birth
  • Bank details
  • Dunning data
  • Data on the chamber elections (e.g. cut-off dates, eligibility to vote, nomination, election proposals)
  • Data from communication with the member
  • Data for the administration of voluntary support payments by chamber members to members or their relatives (e.g. income situation, reasons for application, benefit data, bank details)
  • Data collected when conducting surveys
  • VAT number
  • Language of correspondence
  • Data collected in connection with events, meetings and educational programmes (e.g. participant lists)
  • Minutes of negotiations and meetings as well as data in connection with collective bargaining negotiations
  • Data processed in connection with funding applications
  • Data relating to the calculation and payment of levies
  • Data collected during the organisation of competitions
  • CompanyID
  • GLN of the public administration
  • For natural persons: image and video recordings made during events
  • WkoeNumber
  • Chamber+member number
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes
  • Data on performance recording for members (duration, feedback, specialist area)

Board administrator

  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Company name and name of the associated legal entity
  • Citizenship
  • address
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Trade register data and other authorisation data
  • Data on insolvencies of the data subject as an entrepreneur to check whether the data subject may be appointed as managing director
  • Date of birth
  • Management data (e.g. compliance with requirements for exercising the profession pursuant to sections 26-28 GewO, recognition pursuant to section 373a ff GewO, position in the company, date and scope of authorisation to represent the company)
  • Awards and honours
  • Language of correspondence
  • Data from communication with the board administrator
  • Data collected in connection with events, meetings and educational programmes (e.g. participant lists)
  • Minutes of negotiations and meetings as well as data in connection with collective bargaining negotiations
  • CompanyID
  • GLN of the public administration
  • Image and video recordings made in the course of events
  • WkoeNumber
  • Chamber+member number
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes

Employees of members

  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Company name of the associated company
  • Function and role in the member's organisation
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Language of correspondence
  • Other data from communication with the employee
  • CompanyID
  • GLN of the public administration
  • Image and video recordings made in the course of events
  • WkoeNumber
  • Chamber+member number
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes

Annex 2: Processed personal data of officials, auditors, technical experts and employees of commercial organisations

Officials (including former officials) of business organisations

  • Serial number
  • Membership data (e.g. membership number, membership start date, allocation to specialist groups)
  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Company name and name of the associated legal entity
  • Citizenship
  • Addresses
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Trade register data and other authorisation data
  • Company data, in particular data disclosed in accordance with Section 70 (3) WKG
  • Company register data
  • Awards and honours
  • Social security data, if relevant for the capacity as a functionary
  • Data on loss of function pursuant to Section 53 WKG
  • Levy data
  • Birthday
  • Bank details
  • Dunning data
  • Data on the right to vote, in particular exclusion due to insolvency pursuant to Section 73 WKG
  • Data on contacts with the functionary
  • Functional data
  • Career data (as a functionary)
  • Expense allowances
  • Voter group affiliation
  • VAT number
  • Language of correspondence
  • Data on participation in meetings and events (e.g. lists of participants)
  • Data for auditing and approving the estimates and financial statements of the professional associations and their management
  • Minutes of negotiations and meetings as well as data in connection with collective bargaining negotiations
  • CompanyID
  • GLN of the public administration
  • Image and video recordings made in the course of events
  • WkoeNumber
  • Chamber+member number
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes
  • Photograph
  • Proof of qualification and employment

Employees of commercial organisations

  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Name of the associated business organisation
  • Function and tasks in the organisation of the commercial economy
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Language of correspondence
  • Other data from communication with the employee
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events

Annex 3: Processed personal data

a.) on procedures under the Engineering Act and examinations within the framework of the Master Craftsman Examination Centre:

  • Name (first name, family name, surname)
  • Area-specific personal identifier "Education and Research" (bPK-BF)
  • National insurance number and date of birth
  • Gender
  • Citizenship, residence and work permits
  • Address of domicile or place of residence
  • Telephone number, e-mail address
  • Profession
  • Specialisation
  • Result of the examination / technical discussion
  • Acquired qualifications
  • Proof of professional activity
  • Bank details and account number

b.) of the apprentices:

  • Names (first names, surnames)
  • Area-specific personal identifier "Education and Research" (bPK-BF)
  • National insurance number and date of birth
  • Gender
  • Citizenship, residence and work permits
  • Address of domicile or place of residence
  • Legal representatives of underage apprentices
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Apprenticeship
  • Start, end and duration of the apprenticeship
  • Result of the final apprenticeship examination and any partial examinations
  • Previous education and additional training
  • Applicable collective agreement or other applicable legal source (statutes, minimum wage scale, fixed apprentice salary)
  • Amount of the apprentice's income
  • Bank details and account number
  • Data on vocational school attendance

c.) on subsidies (grants) for apprentices

  • Nature and purpose of the aid
  • Amount of aid
  • Aid period (start and end)

d.) the authorised instructors:

  • Company names and business names
  • Registered office and place of business
  • Structure of the company (e.g. group, parent company, branch)
  • Company size
  • Object of operation
  • Industry affiliation
  • Collective agreement membership
  • Number and structure of employees
  • Company owners and responsible members of the management
  • Contact person
  • Trainers
  • Training and further education of trainers
  • Apprenticeships
  • Results of quality reviews
  • Awards in accordance with section 30a
  • Training alliances and the participating companies and institutions
  • Employer account number and company code
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Other contact options,
  • Bank details and account number
  • Boarding school contribution
  • Apprenticeship offer

e.) on grants (subsidies) to authorised apprentices

  • Nature and purpose of the aid
  • Amount of aid
  • Aid period (start and end)

Annex 4: Processed personal data of founders, interested parties and journalists

Founders and interested parties

  • Serial number
  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Employment
  • Citizenship
  • Addresses
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Awards and honours
  • Date of birth
  • Bank details
  • Dunning data
  • Data from communication with the founder or interested party
  • Language of correspondence
  • Data processed in connection with funding applications
  • Data collected in connection with events, meetings and educational programmes (e.g. participant lists and meeting minutes)
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes
  • Support data (e.g. newsletter yes/no)
  • Data from video recordings, insofar as the data subject is on the premises of the WKO
  • Data on course participation, if applicable (e.g. examination dates, training dates)
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events


  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Affiliation to medium
  • Correspondence and other communication data (e.g. invitations, acceptances/cancellations of participation)
  • Language of correspondence
  • Notes on participation in events and press conferences
  • Data published by the journalist
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes
  • Data from video recordings, insofar as the data subject is on the premises of the WKO
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events

Annex 5: Processed personal data of service providers and recipients, their employees and administrators

Service providers and recipients

  • Serial number
  • Name or designation
  • Salutation/gender
  • Affiliation to the Chamber of Commerce
  • Membership number (if you belong to the Chamber of Commerce)
  • Address
  • Telephone and fax numbers and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies (e.g. e-mail address)
  • Birthday
  • Company register data
  • Data on creditworthiness
  • Blocking indicator (e.g. contact block, invoice block, booking block, payment block)
  • Allocation to a specific service recipient or provider category (including regional allocation, etc.)
  • Identification numbers for the purposes of official statistics such as UID number and Intrastat identification number
  • Object of the delivery or service
  • Qualification of service providers (e.g. pedagogical experience of trainers who organise courses)
  • References/other clients
  • Bonus, commission data and the like.
  • Contact person at the service recipient or provider for processing the delivery or service
  • Third parties involved in the provision of services, including information on the nature of their involvement
  • Terms of delivery and service
  • Data on the insurance of the delivery or service and its financing
  • Data on tax liability and tax calculation
  • Financing and payment terms
  • Bank details
  • Credit card numbers and companies
  • Credit management data (e.g. credit limit, bill of exchange limit)
  • Data on the payment behaviour of the data subject
  • Dunning data/complaint data
  • Account and voucher data
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events
  • Service-specific expenses and income
  • Special G/L transactions (e.g. individual value adjustment, bill of exchange receivable, advance payment, bank guarantee)
  • Service entry data required for billing to service recipients
  • Language of correspondences, other agreements and keys for data exchange
  • Other data from communication with the service recipient or provider

Employees and board members

  • Serial number
  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Associated service recipient or provider
  • Function of the data subject at the service recipient or provider
  • Telephone and fax numbers and other information required for addressing that results from modern communication technologies (e.g. e-mail address)
  • Language of correspondence
  • Scope of the power of representation
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events
  • Business cases processed by the employee/organisational administrator
  • Other data from communication with the employee/organiser

Annex 6: Processed personal data of policy makers and stakeholders

  • Serial number
  • Name
  • Salutation/gender
  • Telephone and fax number, e-mail address and other information required for addressing, which result from modern communication technologies
  • Function exercised
  • Political attitude/party
  • Organisational affiliation
  • Participation in events
  • Meeting minutes
  • Other data from communication with the data subject
  • Information on participation in political decisions and political processes
  • Information on participation in the creation of labour law standards for collective legal arrangements
  • Photographs and video recordings made in the course of events
  • Data published by the data subject themselves (e.g. interviews)
  • Internal IDs for technical purposes

Annex 7: List of commercial organisations

To the contact list including the responsible data protection officer

Stand: 20.06.2024